Didn't sell out all your festive pieces? Here's how to get rid of excess holiday inventory.
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Some may not be lucky enough to have all their wholesale fashion jewelry sold out for the holidays. It has always been a struggle, especially if these pieces can only be worn during the holidays, e.g. Santa earrings or candy cane pendant necklaces. Fret not, as we have come up with four easy tips to get rid of excess Christmas inventory.
1. Sell them for a discounted price.
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How much the discount depends on the date. Hence, it's best to do this a few days before Christmas where you can sell it for about 10-30% off. However, if Christmas has gone, you have to sell it at a more discounted price.
2. Give them as freebies.
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You can create jewelry sets for the new year and include them as freebies. You can also give them out as freebies if the buyer reaches a certain price of orders; free Christmas jewelry for every 100 dollars worth of purchase. Remember, promotions attract more buyers and keep repeat customers.
3. Make DIY projects and sell them as new pieces.
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If you have a lot of time, you can make DIY jewelry projects. A gingerbread pendant can be changed into a ragdoll pendant, Christmas tree charms can be made into simple pine trees and mixed with other woodlands-inspired charms. Let your creative juices flow.
4. Arrange jewelry making classes.
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This one is related to number three. Use your excess holiday inventory as one of the materials. Make DIY projects and be creative as possible. Think of various themes that cater to different age groups. Not only do you get revenue for the classes, but you also get brand exposure through social media and word of mouth advertising.
If income from remaining inventory is not much of a concern, it's always best to just keep them and wait for another year. Make sure the jewelry pieces are properly stored, so they still look brilliant and presentable once it's Christmas time again. Another option is to donate them to charities. Just make sure that you indicate that they are Christmas jewelry.
Find these tips helpful? Do you have other ideas on what to do with leftover Christmas jewelry? Feel free to share in the comments section!