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Dos and Don'ts of Jewelry Display

The way you display your jewelry items can make or break your sales.

Whether you are an artisan or wholesale fashion jewelry seller, you would know that investing in a beautiful display is a profitable move. This is because no matter how beautiful your jewelry pieces are if they are not showcased in the right way, people will not be interested.

That is why for today, we created a list of dos and don'ts when it comes to displaying your jewelry, whether in the shop or your online gallery.

Let's start with the dos first:

Do sort the items.

This rule is for shops that offer various types of jewelry. Always display pieces that are of the same kind; take all your vintage jewelry in one area, and all the modern minimalist pieces in another. This is to make finding a particular piece easier for your staff or your customers. Also, a sorted display is much more pleasing to the eyes.

Do pick displays with the right colors and style.

If you are offering handcrafted items with multi-colored gems and crystals, its best to use burlap or wooden displays as they complement the style of the pieces. As for gold jewelry, black velvet or leatherette is ideal as both exude class, elegance, and sophistication. Make sure that the color and style of your displays will complement your items' colors beautifully, and not clash with them.

Do make rotations with the types of jewelry.

Rotating your jewelry items keeps your display updated. Rotations also allow your other jewelry pieces to get featured, especially the slow-moving ones. On the same note, having a "highlight area" or the display near the windows is ideal if you have monthly new arrivals. Doing so will keep people anticipated with your latest designs.

Next up, the don'ts:

Don't overcrowd your table or display area.

Overcrowding your display screams clutter! Aside from not being pleasing to the eye, a cluttered display will also make it difficult for your customers to look for a specific piece that they like. As with the sorting of the types of jewelry (vintage, handmade, and others), try sorting with the kind of jewelry, like create a space exclusively for rings, necklaces, and others.

Don't showcase pieces of too many various colors.

Color clashing is definitely not a good thing. The same thing goes for pieces with too many bright colors. Doing so will make your display look busy and cluttered. You can try separating them by colors of the crystals or by the metal plating.

Don't forget the proper lighting.

Lastly, do not forget to install the proper lighting for your display. Shadows are a big no-no to any display. Make sure that you have ample spotlights for the highlighted pieces. You may have a beautiful display, but if it's not properly lit up, it just won't pique the interest of people.

