Spring cleaning? Scared of getting the coronavirus? Here are some tips on how to clean your stainless steel jewelry.

Aside from spring cleaning, people nowadays are going gaga over cleanliness due to the latest strain of the coronavirus. It is now everyone's priority, and cleaning should include not only the body but also of one's possessions. This includes even small accessories such as jewelry.
Whether you are a wholesale fashion jewelry seller or wear stainless steel jewelry, it's best to start cleaning the pieces as soon as possible, especially if they have been exposed outside for a long time. Here are tips on how to effectively clean stainless steel jewelry.
Buy a stainless steel cleaner.
You can find a stainless steel cleaner at a hardware store or some jewelry shops. You have to make sure that it is indeed safe for the metal. Simply follow the instructions on how to use it. Do not forget to wear protective gloves to keep your hands safe from the harmful chemicals the cleaner might have.
Clean with a soap and water solution.
If you cannot find a stainless steel cleaner anywhere, you can go with the soap and water solution. Fill a small bowl (or big, depending on how many pieces) with warm water and mix a few drops of mild liquid soap. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush, scrub your stainless steel jewelry pieces. Spend more time scrubbing the areas where dirt usually accumulates like the prongs. Rinse in running water and dry with a lint-free towel.
Use alcohol.
Nope, not the drink, sorry. By alcohol, we mean rubbing alcohol. And yes, it is safe for stainless steel. Add some rubbing alcohol to a microfiber towel and gently scrub the jewelry. You can also dip a soft-bristled toothbrush in alcohol then clean the nooks and crannies of the pieces. Aside from disinfecting jewelry, rubbing alcohol gives your stainless steel jewelry a visible shine.
Use toothpaste.
As for stubborn dirt and grime, toothpaste is your savior. However, you have to make sure that it is a non-whitening variant that does not contain silica. And instead of a toothbrush, use a lint-free towel to scrub the paste on your jewelry. Just rinse in running water once done, and dry with a clean lint-free cloth.