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Jewelry Selling Tip: Make The Most out of Valentine’s Day

There was Christmas and New Year, and then comes Valentine’s Day.
For retailers, every holiday is important as it can be a great opportunity to make good profit. Every time a celebration comes up, people look for gift ideas to express their love for their friends and . They are even willing to spend extra cash for the things they don’t usually purchase like flowers, expensive chocolates and jewelry.

Photo Credit: jennabee | Flickr.com

February is said to be one of the most popular time periods for engagement and weddings. If you’re a startup jewelry store owner or wholesale jewelry dealer, Valentine’s Day is definitely a great opportunity to increase sales and establish your brand.

Here are some ways to help you make the best out of the festival of hearts.

1.Create a plan

Small business owners are usually on the go and having a grand marketing plan may be a bit difficult. However, it’s important to develop a strategy that will help you determine which items to promote and which ones to highlight on your jewelry store. Research about the trends, and look for different wholesale jewelry pieces that might be of interest of your target market. Like any holiday, your success starts with proper planning and preparation.

2.Get to know your competitors

Look at how other entrepreneurs in your industry handle this special event. Take note of their marketing strategies and the promos that they will have to celebrate Valentine’s. This way, you can get a clear insight on what you should do to drive more people in your store.

3.Make greetings more personal

Instead of just looking around the internet for ready made greetings and gift tags, why not spend some time to create a more personalized note to those who are going to purchase from your store.

4.Make it Social

Social media pages are great way to connect to your audience and establish relationship with them. Make them notice about your products by suggesting different ways to fashionably wear it. Engage men who are looking for engagement rings by featuring different ways to propose or tips on how to make it more special.

5.Retain customers

Sure there will be new people in your store for the Valentine’s, but with proper strategy you can turn first time visitors to loyal customers. Invite them to sign up on your email list or follow you on your social media pages so you can stay connected even after the valentine season.
How about you? How do you plan to utilize Valentine's day to establish your wholesale jewelry business?

