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Make 2020 the Best Year Ever

Ah, the new year! Everyone is in an upbeat mood, looking forward to what the future brings. As we start a new year and a new decade, here are some tips to make sure that 2020 will be the best year yet for your online wholesale fashion jewelry business: 

Amaze with your assortment

With everyone looking to start fresh, make sure that your store carries the latest popular pieces that will reel customers in. Draw some inspiration from our trend and style guides, while also monitoring historical performance, looking out for the items that stood out in terms of sales. This way, you will be able to curate a balanced mix of more experimental new offerings, while also maintaining a lineup of your classics and bestsellers.

Make a mark with marketing

Aside from a robust assortment, one way to hit your best ever sales in 2020 is by investing in marketing. Keep things exciting and your customers engaged by maintaining a solid online presence with quality content. If you can afford it, paying for ads and social media boosts also make a difference in enhancing your digital reach and engagement. Running special offers and promotions, especially ahead of peak shopping seasons, will also help in drawing more buyers to patronize your store and offerings.

Love your loyal customers

With online sellers opening up their e-commerce stores everyday, customers can easily be overwhelmed by choice. Add that to the fact that face time is practically non-existent compared to brick and mortar shops, it is not surprising that most online sellers are forgettable where customers are concerned. Make sure that you stand out by providing excellent customer service, even after the sale is made. Look for ways to reward loyal customers through discounts or referral incentives. After all, a satisfied customer is your best marketing tool.

Get ready to have your best year yet this 2020! 

