When it comes to selling wholesale jewelry online, one of the first ideas that come to mind is to sell it on your own ecommerce website. This is a great idea, but takes a lot of work. Setting up your own wholesale jewelry website requires a modest amount of money, a great deal of brainstorming, efficient execution and proper maintenance. If, as an entrepreneur, you feel that you are not yet ready for this type of business commitment, another option for you is to sell on other established ecommerce sites. These are also called marketplace sites. Examples of these are eBay, Etsy and Artfire. One advantage of selling wholesale jewelry on these sites is that they provide you an established online storefront for your products. However, this space is not exclusively your own, so there is a lot of competition. You must do your own marketing and promotion to stand out amongst the many other wholesale jewelry retailers.

Here are some tips to successfully conquer the challenges of selling wholesale jewelry in a marketplace site.
1. As a general rule, make sure to sign up for a PayPal account. You can also offer the option of US Postal Money Order.
2. Make sure you have a separate account for selling wholesale jewelry and buying it, especially if you also subscribe to these kinds of sites for sourcing out your products.
3. Always start with a modest price. Remember, there are many other entrepreneurs who are willing to sell the same item for less.
4. Have a striking photo or avatar and banner. This is your chance to make a great first impression.
5. Participate in chat rooms and forums. Be part of the community. It is a trove of great ideas and one step to expanding your network.
Ready to conquer the online marketplace? Go around this blog for more wholesale jewelry business tips.