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Ways to Drive Thanksgiving Jewelry Sales in 2020

Boost sales and cut through the holiday sale noise with a few marketing tips.

Every year's most awaited series of holiday sale -- Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday are almost here! This is also the peak time for jewelry businesses, as many consider fashion jewelry as presents to friends and family.

With that in mind, both retail and wholesale fashion jewelry businesses must be able to keep up with the rising demand and the increasing number of competitors. Here are some marketing tips that you can try to help you drive more sales:

Run social media ads.

It is the best time of the year to invest in Facebook and Instagram ads and boosted posts. And because there are more people online, these platforms are the right places to advertise your brand and products. Use social media ads to feature your best sellers, discounted items, and exclusive products. Make sure to choose your target audience correctly, specifically those interested in fashion and jewelry. 

Run social media contests.

Social media holiday contests are a fun way to engage your customers. Choose the social media account with the most followers to reach more people. The contest should be simple and easy to enter; ask them to follow and like your page and post, and tag some friends. You can also create unique hashtags for the contest and a branded hashtag for you to easily track your followers' entries.

Collaborate with a charitable institution.

Level up your marketing game by collaborating with a charitable cause. You can make donations or partner with non-profit organizations. Help them raise funds for their cause and utilize social media for a wide reach. This can increase exposure and benefit the image of your brand or business. 

Publish seasonal posts.

Don't forget to post holiday-inspired images and videos on your social media accounts. The best topics for the jewelry industry are fall and winter wedding proposals and weddings. Go ahead and uplift your followers' spirits by sharing holiday memes that may be of interest to your followers. Connect with them emotionally by posting videos that can make them laugh, cry, or remember good memories.


Any marketing strategy suggestions that worked for you in last year's holiday sale? Feel free to share them below!

