If there are many jewelry shops in your area, make it a goal to be the most impressive one with these few marketing tips.

Competition is challenging, especially when it comes to fashion jewelry businesses. It is a bit difficult to break through the noise of almost similar marketing messages. That is why it should be your goal to pique the interest of passers-by before the competition snatches them away from you.
But what makes a jewelry shop impressive enough to become unforgettable? Today, we are sharing some tips on how to achieve being the store people head to for retail or wholesale fashion rings or the perfect present for their significant other.

Eye-catching window display
The first thing people see when they pass by your shop, of course, is your window display. That is why it is important to make it look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. One easy way to achieve this is by having consistency with your theme and colors. The colors should also complement the items on display. Good lighting also makes a huge difference.
Highlighting the latest designs
When people come inside to take a look, the first that they should see is your display of the latest jewelry with the trendiest designs. Having a great product selection with the currently popular designs will keep people interested, which tends to make them stay inside your store longer. Do not forget to update this display of popular designs, so your customers turn into loyal ones. A dull, outdated display will make you lose them!
Excellent in-store customer service
Your staff should be able to accommodate your customers’ requests and attend to their needs nicely and without hesitation. One of the qualities that make people come back to a particular establishment is excellent customer service because people like it when they feel cared for by a brand. So train your staff to handle all kinds of customers and situations, so you can be that jewelry shop people want to go back to because of the products and the people.
Overall ambiance
Nobody wants to go inside a shop where the music is too loud, and the lights hurt the eyes. Aim to create an ambiance that is conducive to an enjoyable shopping experience. Here are the key things to consider:
Music - Your music’s volume should be soft, so people can still converse with each other. Having too loud music also is a distraction, and customers may be turned off.
Lighting- Leave the bright lights to your spotlights. Bright lighting should only be used for your jewelry on display. Dim the other lights inside your store to create a homey and welcoming ambiance.
Scents- Turn on the scent diffuser! Make your customers bask in some aromatic goodness and make them feel like they entered a spa. Doing so will give them not just an unforgettable experience, but also a relaxing one.
Great packaging
Last but not least, do invest in some good packaging as well and don’t just settle with the generic box and paper bag. Wrapping customers' purchases in something extraordinary will make them remember your brand even after purchase. Add a personal touch to increase brand recall. And you can also include your social media pages and other information so customers can contact you easily in case they have any queries with the items they bought.
For more jewelry business tips, follow this blog! As for the latest designs of wholesale fashion jewelry for your inventory, head on to CeriJewelry.com