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5 Easy ways to promote your online jewelry business

Increase your online revenue with these simple hacks.

Increase wholesale fashion jewelry revenue.

If you have just started with an online jewelry business, you might still be struggling how to spread the word. Yes, we know social media efforts do branding wonders, but you shouldn't just rely on it. This week, we will discuss how to promote and sell your wholesale fashion jewelry pieces through simple, easy hacks.

1. Make creative jewelry displays.

Traditional ring display for your wholesale fashion jewelry

Just because your business is online, does not mean you don't need a jewelry display. Craft shows are great opportunities for you to showcase your online products. Attend these shows and bring your bestsellers. Use creative displays that will make your products unforgettable; don't just settle with traditional display trays and stands! DIY displays are always the best as they portray the right personality you want to portray. Plus, customers will appreciate the effort.

Tip: Don't forget to add tags on the pieces with your website and social media accounts information. Showing them only a few of your pieces will pique their interest, which will then make them check out your online site.

2. Join jewelry selling groups on Facebook.

Joining Facebook groups is a great and easy way to get online fans and followers. But before posting about your business, it's best to read all the posts first. Get to know the tone and the usual topics being discussed. Once you feel comfortable in the group, go ahead and engage in the discussion. Eventually, mention your business and what you offer when you feel the time is right.

Tip: Comment on other businesses' posts on the group too, and strike friendly conversations. Be polite and handle bad comments and reviews without being rude.

3. Blog about your business

Blog about your online jewelry business

Whether it's a personal blog or a business blog, writing about your products is an excellent way to spread the word. Talk about personal experiences and how these pieces positively changed your life. Write in a friendly conversational tone as this is more appealing to jewelry customers. Include photos of you or other customers wearing the pieces.

Tip: Post regularly! Your readers will lose interest if you are always on a hiatus. Create a separate page for testimonials and reviews; these are effective ways to pique other customers' interest too. Little SEO efforts won't hurt too!

4. Promote your business on your personal social media accounts.

This has to be done moderately. Otherwise, you might lose contacts because you have become an annoying hard selling business owner. You can ask your friends and family to share posts about your products but ask them to do it once or twice a week. Focus on Instagram and Pinterest because these sites are the current visual marketing giants.

Tip: Post differently on your personal account and on your business' accounts. Just sharing a post from your business account without altering or adding the caption won't be as interesting and would seem uptight. Remember, companies who can connect to their customers always win.

5. Wear the pieces!

Wear your wholesale fashion jewelry pieces to promote them

Showcasing jewelry that you sell by wearing them is the easiest one on the list. Remember, every person you run into is a potential customer. Wait for compliments before doing some business talk. Always be thankful for their compliments and do not forget to say something nice in return.

Tip: Wear a different piece every day. Make sure they match what you're wearing. Otherwise, they won't look appealing to people. And of course, always be ready to give them your business card.

Any other tips you want to share? Feel free to comment your story below!

