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Finding Success in Selling Wholesale Fashion Jewelry Online

For jewelry store owners, selling wholesale fashion jewelry online is never easy. The biggest challenge for customers is not being able to fit and feel the wholesale rings, wholesale necklaces, and wholesale bracelets before purchasing it. Additionally, there is a waiting time before the wholesale fashion jewelry products arrive to their stores or homes.

Now, if you are one of those who face a few challenges when it comes to selling wholesale fashion jewelry over the Internet and find that you are not selling products as fast, here are a few tips to help you, shared by Randi Molofsky of JCKOnline.com:

wholesale fashion jewelry
Molofsky stresses the importance of photography if you want to find success in ecommerce wholesale jewelry. Pictures are the next best thing for consumers and you should be able to offer them high-quality photos of your wholesale fashion jewelry to encourage them to shop. Molofsky says that being consistent is crucial. Make sure that all photos are on the same background and it helps if they are displayed in multiple angles too.

Give customers everything they need by providing a complete and detailed description of the product. Online shoppers are smarter now and they are most likely to research from several online resellers first before making actually purchase. Include the sizes (widths, diameters, length), carat sizes, and stone names. Doing so not only provides customers detailed information but they are also less likely to return wholesale fashion jewelry if they know the details beforehand.

wholesale fashion jewelry
In line with that, you should also include restrictions on the wholesale jewelry. If wholesale animal rings, for example, isn’t available until a certain date, then make it known. If the wholesale necklace on display does not qualify for free shipping, then tell your visitors that. Place it near the “Add to Cart” as a visual reminder.

Lists motivate buyers to come back. Add a “Wish List” button so visitors can store the wholesale jewelry items they like and purchase it on a later date. It also serves as a comparison tool if shoppers can see the products side-by-side.

Finally, leverage social media. Twitter and Facebook are powerful tools to put your store out there. Don’t forget to have a Facebook “Like” button or Twitter “Tweet This” button so those who visit your site can easily share the links and products on their own pages. It’s free advertising and nothing convinces consumers more than word-of-mouth and personal recommendations.


