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Jewelry Selling Tip: Use Colored Jewelry Boxes to Increase Sales

Colors can alter moods, attract attention and leave lasting impressions to people. For businesses, it’s important to acknowledge the importance of using the right colors to influence the behavior of the customers and how it can be used to effectively increase sale.

Most jewelry retailers use black or beige when it comes to packaging their jewelry. This is quite traditional and doesn't veer away from the comfort zone of marketing wholesale fashion jewelry. Instead of just opting for the usual way of packing, you can take your business to a whole new level by using fun and colorful boxes especially during holidays or other special occasions.

Choose the color that represents your brand

When deciding what color to use in jewelry packaging, look at the colors you usually use in your logo, packaging, letterhead or website. Look for boxes or pouches with the same color and use it the next time you pack your jewelry. This will help in building better brand recognition and faster brand recall.

Don’t be afraid to use unique colors like purple, pastel pink, or teal when picking the colors of boxes for your jewelry items. One important tip to consider though is that you should only use different hues that belong to the same color. It’s never a good idea to mix colors together as it can make your jewelry look cheap and too overwhelming.

photo source: etsy.com

Make your jewelry stand out

Knowing how different colors affect the appearance of your jewelry can let you come up with color combination that can further emphasize the beauty of your wholesale jewelry.

Play with color contrast to highlight the design and the details of the jewelry and necklaces. For example, a darker gemstone like garnet or onyx can be packed in light colored boxes in shades of pink, gray or white. Bright gemstones, on the other hand, can look great in boxes with darker color or shade.

This trick is a low cost and hassle free way to update your jewelry packaging and stand out against competitors in your area. If you have been using white or beige boxes for your jewelry packaging, this is the best time to take a little adventure and improve your business.

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