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Tips on Starting your Own Wholesale Jewelry Business

For those wanting to earn money without having a routine office job, starting up your own business can be a good idea. Women who love fashion can consider wholesaling necklaces or handbags. So what else is there to know when starting your own wholesale jewelry business?


While investing in any kind of wholesale business is risky, it’s nice to know that it has more advantages than disadvantages. The most important challenge is finding the right wholesaler. Online manufacturers of jewelry are now available, giving potential clients a vast array of selection without spending too much time and effort. Communicating is key so let manufacturers know your budget and limitations to help you start up your business efficiently.

Wholesale jewelry is not limited to gold or platinum. Wholesalers can choose from cubic zirconia, sterling silver, gemstones, and even pearl jewelry. Invest in fashionable sterling silver bracelets or gemstone earrings, either way women will love them.

Not sure what fashion trend to start with? Fashion magazines are a good start. Look through photos of celebrities on the red carpet and invest on cheaper ones that look similar. Not only will these be a good start but fashionistas are always in search of less expensive but chic jewelry pieces.

If you have a very limited budget, try wholesale costume jewelry. Manufacturers have cutting-edge technology now that even costume jewelry looks genuine and more expensive than it really is. Brooches are a perfect example. Take these multi-color alloy brooches for example.

Before investing in anything, it’s important that you are decided on what you want to do. You have to want it so bad to make it happen. The rest will just follow.

