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How Google My Business Benefits Jewelry Shops

Learn how this online business listing can boost your jewelry store.


If you own a brick-and-mortar jewelry shop, having a Google My Business account is necessary. Google My Business is an online tool that enables you to manage your online presence across Google, including Search and Maps. Its main benefit is making it possible for your target customers in the local area to find your shop easily.

But that's not all -- it can also help drive sales to your business. Today, we tackle how Google My Business can benefit a brick-and-mortar retail or wholesale fashion jewelry store and why it's worth having a listing.

Being on Google My Business is a cost-effective way to reach more potential customers.

Google My Business is a free business listing on the most prominent search engine, making it perfect for businesses with tight budgets. Having a listing provides users access to information about your shop, including the types of products you offer, other services you offer, busiest business hours, and customer reviews. It's like having a business website for free.

GMB gets your business on the map.

Google My Business gets your shop on Google Maps. This means when a user searches for your business name in Google Search or Google Maps, your location will be displayed, as well as your address, contact information, photos, and reviews. You can also use this opportunity to post as many product photos so potential customers would have a glimpse of what you offer and encourage them to check your shop out.

Having a GMB listing enables you to target the local community.

Google My Business' goal is to help shops reach their local community. So once you've completed all information in the listing, they will appear in Maps. Your chances of showing up on localized searches also increase, allowing ready-to-purchase customers to find your shop quickly.

Users can find you on all types of devices.

Your business listing on GMB is visible on desktop PCs, mobile phones, and tablets. All this means that potential customers, wherever they are searching on Google, will get access to information on your shop easily at any time.

Google My Business listings allow you to update potential customers with new information.

With a GMB listing, you can keep users up-to-date with your jewelry business via the feature, Posts. It's similar to posting on Facebook or LinkedIn in which you can publish content with or without an image. A post can also be turned into an event invitation, and you can add a call to action button -- Learn more, Sign up, Get offer, Book, Order online, Buy. Any post shared on GMB can also be shared on other social media platforms.

