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The Perks of Being a Part-Time Business Owner

Thinking of leaving your full time job to focus on your newly established wholesale fashion jewelry store?

Photo Credit: USA Today College
Logan Lerman and Emma Watson in The Perks of Being A Wallflower can teach us a thing or two about many other things. One of which is holding on to your full time job and staying a wallflower a little while longer is actually amazing! So don’t turn in that resignation just yet. Being a part-time entrepreneur is can be very a rewarding experience. We’ve gathered the top 5 reasons why starting an online fashion jewelry store on top of your regular job is a great idea.

  1. Trial and make as much error

Starting your own business venture while employed in a full time job allows you to test the waters. This is especially important if you’re diving into the sea of entrepreneurship for the first time. It can be pretty scary to lose the security of a monthly paycheck that pays the bills and other monthly expenses. Business start ups are pretty costly. Though you have an ample amount of savings at the beginning, you’ll never know when the need for extra cash will arise. Having a full time with a regular salary can help fund financial emergencies of your business.

  1. Get the best of both worlds

Keeping a full time work can certainly give you the security of getting a monthly paycheck and other important benefits including medical insurance and sick leaves to name a few. Staying in a 9 to 5 jobs helps more in keep that sense of being a professional than staying at home to work. Though you may rent a business space for your business, it can easily translate to added financial cost. Until you get your jewelry shop off the ground and place it on a stable footing, chances are you’d be working on it from any part of your home.

  1. Building a reputation for your company before you even get there

Working on your business one step at a time is better than not taking any step at all. This is very much related to the first presented above wherein you get to test the waters. When working part-time on your jewelry shop, errors are certainly not as big if you start it full-time. Generate a buzz or let your company be known even before you go all out on it. This will ensure that you have a solid following that keeps your business secured.

  1. Earn extra cash

Who doesn’t want to pad their pockets with a little more money, right? Taking on an additional job through your online jewelry store can generate additional income for you. More money means you can more financial resources for your needs, wants and growing your business. Not to mention you get to do what you love.

Starting your own jewelry business part-time is definitely the right path to set you on an entrepreneurial journey and the road to financial freedom.

What’s stopping you from starting your online jewelry store?

Let us know of your thoughts and the challenges you face by leaving a comment below. 

