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The Ultimate Start-up Guide: How to Make Your Fashion Jewelry Online Store Safe and Customer-Friendly (Part 2)

Hi there! Welcome to the second part of our wholesale fashion jewelry selling start-up guide. If you’d like to review or catch up on the first part, you can read it here.

Photo Credit: Women In Business Blog
In this series, we’re focusing on how to get your online store up and running to house your business venture. Here at Cerijewelry, we do not only believe in the beauty of our fashion jewelry pieces. We also know that each pair of earrings, necklace or engagement ring has the ability to turn someone’s life around by adding meaning to it.

Join us as we create momentous events for others while making a profitable journey for you. Here are two more steps that you should follow to put an online wholesale jewelry store in place.

Once you’ve chosen the right domain name, you are now ready to have a tasteful professional website built.

The website itself is will serve as your retail store online. Make sure to remember these tips when having your website made.
§        Websites can be done by anyone with the right knowledge. But having it professionally made has a number of advantages. Remember that in hiring a website developer you should not only consider building costs but maintenance costs as well. Check previous projects of your prospective developer to know if he can deliver the job you require.
§        Always choose function and usability over any fancy tricks. After all, what’s the use of having impressive graphics if your customers will have a hard time viewing your products?
§        Download time is essential. Never keep your prospective customers waiting for your page to load or they’ll leave you
§        Keep your customers in mind when designing and creating the functional aspects of your website
§        Make sure that the contents of your website such as the company brief, product descriptions as well as images are well made to keep customers interested. 

Then, partner up with a reliable web hostto ensure the proper functioning of your website that will serve as your store and the home of your products.

Do I really need an e-commerce software? You may ask. Well, of course! And here are a few reasons why finding a reliable one is crucial to the growth and success of your online selling business.

§        This platform basically runs your store
§        It also ensures the quality of your product display online
§        Management of your inventory can also be simplified through the automation offered by this platform
§        Utilizing an e-commerce software is important for check-out process. Having a good one can greatly help in making sure that you are paid well and transactions done in your online store are safe for your clients

Visit soon to know more on how to create an online store for your jewelry selling business.

Missed the first part of the start-up guide series?Read it here

