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What Your Customer Wants this Holiday Season

As holiday season begins, many retailers are trying to figure out the best way to attract new customers or to explore new market. However, if you’re in a very competitive industry like fashion jewelry, it might be a little difficult to determine what secret to gaining bigger profits this holidays.What customer wants this holiday?
Aside from keeping the quality of your wholesale jewelry in top condition and keeping your customer service excellent, the key to winning this season’s biggest sale is simply by understanding what your customers really want this holiday. Having an idea on what they are really looking for in a retailer will give you an idea on how to improve your services and how you can promote your business better.
Here’s a quick list of the things that will absolutely make your customers happier this time of the year.

1. Social Media Deals

Now that the holiday season is upon us, a lot of people are relying on their social media accounts for recommendations on where to buy, customer reviews, ask for inquiries, among many other activities that can affect their decision making. To get the most out of your promotions, use your social media accounts to give away items, announce promo codes, or give exclusive discounts.

2. Reasonable return policy

Having a comprehensive return and replace policy will not just save you from headaches but will also bring more value to your customers. Make sure to inform your customers about the terms of their transactions and encourage them to ask if there’s anything they need to clarify about your policies.

3. Low shipping fees

With the advancement in technology, a lot of holiday shoppers are taking advantage of the convenience and ease of shopping online. But to further lower their shopping cost, they look for companies that offer discounts and low shipping cost. You can also offer a free shipping fee for those who will avail a certain amount of product from your store. Doing so will definitely encourage bulk orders and online sales.
Are you looking for ways to improve your sales this season? Take note of the things we have mentioned above and come up with a strategy to offer better products and services to your customers.

