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Taking Photographs of Wholesale Fashion Jewelry

Good pictures of wholesale fashion jewelry are a must for all jewelry store owners, the reason being that high quality images of wholesale fashion rings, wholesale men’s rings, and wholesale cubic zirconia jewelry can easily attract customers, online and offline. This becomes especially important if you sell wholesale fashion jewelry online because your visitors cannot physically touch and look at the wholesale jewelry you are selling. The photos are the next best thing they could have so it’s best not to deprive your customers of really good images of the wholesale fashion jewelry pieces that you sell.

Fortunately, there are simple techniques that even amateur photographers can do when taking pictures of wholesale fashion jewelry like wholesale jewelry accessories, wholesale cubic zirconia rings, and wholesale fashion rings.

For example, one of the first things you should do is to find out how your camera can be set to “spot focus” mode. This is better than the average focus mode that most cameras have because instead of taking a photo of a wide area and basing focus on one specific area, “spot focus” offers better control where the camera should focus on. A camera with a manual focus capability should suffice.

When tweaking the light settings for taking photos of wholesale jewelry, soft lighting works best. Don’t be tempted to use the flash because it does not produce high quality jewelry photos. It’s too bright and it’s often on the wrong position to light up the wholesale jewelry piece properly. Continuous lighting is the better option. Use daylight balanced compact fluorescent bulbs as the source for your lighting because they produce more natural-colored lights without producing harsh heat so they can be used for longer wholesale fashion jewelry photography sessions.

Wax is an invaluable tool if you want your wholesale fashion rings or wholesale earrings to stand up. Wax is invisible so you can have wholesale pendants standing up while the wholesale chain necklaces drape around the centerpiece. Another material you should have is a white or clear high gloss acrylic platform that gives out a soft reflection for wholesale jewelry placed on top of it. It provides less shadow as well.

Remember, when taking photos of wholesale jewelry pieces, they should be cleaned first because that is something you would have difficulties with post-photography. Use different positions and play around with many compositions to see what works best with your wholesale fashion jewelry.

