Jewelry retailers are the main source of a wholesale jewelry supplier’s income. Making them happy assures wholesalers of repeat business and thus increases sales on wholesale rings, wholesale bracelets, wholesale necklaces, wholesale pendants, and other wholesale jewelry. With a simple hello matched with a friendly smile, wholesalers can make their customers feel welcome and appreciated. Here are more tips to build rapport with your wholesale jewelry customers:
1. Know what your customers’ interests are. With a simple index card or through a computer, keeping track of your customers’ preferences will prove to be beneficial in the long run. Make notes if your retailers prefer wholesale gemstones or wholesale sterling silver jewelry. Knowing certain kinds of information such as favorite colors or the people your clients usually buy gifts for is also important because you can help them decide on the type of wholesale jewelry they can purchase. This takes us to #2…2. Inform retailers of wholesale jewelry designs that might get interest them. Once you know the preferred wholesale jewelryof your clients, inform them via a phone call or email when these designs arrive in your store. Don’t miss out on pertinent information such as a product description, the materials used, and most importantly, the price of the item. This shows the client that you are interested in them and it will make them feel more appreciated.

4. Sending thank-you notes is a simple but sweet gesture. Thank-you notes should be given to all clients, whether they purchased wholesale cocktail ringsor wholesale dangle earrings in high-end or small orders. While hand-written notes are the best, printing custom cards or nice stationery thank you cards are also acceptable.
Certainly there are more ways to establish a good bond with your retailers. Watch for more tips on how to build long-lasting relationships with your wholesale jewelry clients.